
Solar panel insurance

SOLAR PANEL INSURANCE to protect Your solar panels!

Using solar energy is one of the most popular ways for households to switch to a greener lifestyle and save money in the long term. And we at Balcia know that installing solar panels is a significant investment, so we want to support and protect your investment in renewable energy.

Balcia Solar Panel Insurance is a unique type of insurance that protects the solar panels installed on your property against unexpected damage or loss. We will indemnify you if a solar panel system located on your home's roof or on the ground is damaged due to various risks.

Enjoy the benefits of solar energy with Balcia Solar Panel Insurance!

Balcia's Solar Panel Insurance will cover losses to:
  • Solar panels
  • Inverter
  • Storage batteries
  • Associated structures, fixings, and communications
  • And other solar power generation devices
As well as:
  • The indemnity is paid within five days
  • Short and clear insurance terms and conditions

6 reasons


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Comprehensive risk coverage and few exceptions
Real estate does not have to be insured
You can easily cancel your policy without penalty or extra costs
The policy can be paid in up to 12 installments without additional surcharges
No depreciation is applied to equipment less than 6 months old
Coverage is valid worldwide